Special Episode: The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
Feb 1, 2024

Special Episode: The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024

In this episode of the Hidden Money Podcast, join CPAs Mike Pine and Kevin Schneider as they unpack 2024’s Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act to your financial benefit.


Mike Pine & Kevin Schneider

What We Cover

Introduction to the Tax Relief Bill and Economic Impact [00:00]

  • Kevin and Mike discuss the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, which could reintroduce 100% bonus depreciation retroactive to January 1, 2023.
  • They highlight key provisions like restoring bonus depreciation, revising research and development (R&D) tax treatment, and increasing child tax credits indexed to inflation.
  • The importance of bonus depreciation in incentivizing businesses to invest in assets like equipment and property, boosting economic growth.
  • Businesses that invested in 2023 could see significant tax savings if the bill passes.

Fixing Research and Development (R&D) Rules [03:04]

  • The 2017 tax law changes in which phasing out R&D deductions makes the U.S. uncompetitive in tech and startup innovation.
  • The proposed restoration allows immediate deduction of R&D expenses to spur economic growth, particularly in technology sectors.

Child Tax Credit and Inflation Indexing [05:18]

  • Proposed changes like increasing the child tax credit from $2,000 to potentially $2,500 or more, with a portion refundable for families with no tax liability.
  • This could mean further possibilities for leveraging credits for high-income families who have been phased out of Child Tax Credits.

Addressing the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC/ERC) [07:18]

  • Discussion on ending ERTC claims as the program has been misused by fraudulent operators, and phasing it out could improve economic fairness.
  • Explanation of the trade-off where removing ERTC could offset costs of other provisions in the bill.

Planning for Economic Uncertainty [12:03]

  • The importance of personal financial assessments, reviewing budgets, investment strategies, and tax plans annually to adapt to economic changes.
  • A proactive approach viewing potential downturns as opportunities for growth and long-term financial planning.

Broader Tax Law and Economic Reflections [21:17]

  • The challenges of retroactive tax law changes, highlighting the frustration for CPAs and IRS staff managing changes late in the filing season.
  • The polarization of politics and how bipartisan cooperation is essential for meaningful reform.
  • Engagement in proactive tax planning and leverage potential law changes for financial advantage.
  • Seeking professional advice for clarity on the bill’s provisions and personalized strategies to maximize benefits.

Kevin Schneider: [00:00:00] The podcast you're about to listen to, we had some preliminary information at the date of recording. We recorded this podcast on January 25th, and as of now, the bill passed- it is law. So, you'll notice a lot of our verbiage in this podcast is preliminary- we're hopeful it passes. We wanted to add this snippet in here just to let you know that this did pass and we are ready to go with some tax planning with this bill that is now law.

Mike Pine: But do understand some of the details we discussed in this podcast, as they were preliminary- the bill hadn't made its way through the house and through the Senate- there are likely some material changes that when we talk about, like right now, bonus depreciation- we're expecting it to be retroactive 100% to 2023.

It might come out that it wasn't until 2024. There's other things like that. So, still good info. Enjoy. Get excited about tax, guys. It is your yellow brick road to financial freedom

Kevin Schneider: Sound the alarms! We might have some changes come into tax law and [00:01:00] it's going to be good. If you're in real estate, you own a business If you have children, you're going to see a better tax outcome under this new bill that's been proposed. Now this, as of today- today is January 25th- as of today, this is not law, has not been signed in the law.

It is just a bill, called the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, and in this act, it's going to up bonus depreciation to 100% again for two years.

So, hallelujah! CPAs rejoice! Real estate investors rejoice! There is a chance that we can continue at the pace we have been, tax-planning-wise, with real estate.

There's a chance that the equipment you buy for your company, whatever asset- capital asset- you're buying for your company could see 100% bonus depreciation through 2025.

Now that is a blessing because under current law right now, it's phasing down 20% each year. So, for 2024, you would have 60% bonus depreciation available to assets.

So, you're going to get 40% more deduction [00:02:00] under this current bill if it's passed into law, and that's just the tip of this iceberg that we can dive into.

Mike Pine: It covers a lot of things. The whole point of this, and I like the title of this bill because for once- at least, before they mark up this bill- for once, the title of the bill is what it is. We had the Inflation Reduction Act a year and a half ago- it did nothing for inflation. It was not anything for inflation.

That's very common in Congress. This one's actually tax relief. It would be a boon to our economy. We've learned, and I've said it over and over since 9/11 when we got our first year bonus depreciation, and we've seen it come back, and come back each time it expires- every time it comes back, it booms the economy. Businesses will invest because, guess what? The IRS won't charge them on the taxes of the money they had to use to invest in that equipment, or new property, or new business.

This will help the economy. There's another one in there on research and development. This is- I'm sorry, one asinine law that came out of the Trump [00:03:00] tax cuts in 2017- but in order for them to pass that tax bill, they had to prove that it was going to cost us a trillion dollars or less. According to the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), who I think still don't use Math calculators-

I'm not sure. I think they're using slide rules to figure out the calculations because their calculations are never right- but anyways, Congress had to show that it was going to cost our country less than a trillion dollars so that they could pass it, under reconciliation, in the Senate. So, they said that that's why they phased out bonus depreciation, which we've seen the investment in equipment businesses, investment in business assets, has gone down precipitously over the last two years, since 100% bonus depreciation went away.

This one part of the research and development thing just drives me nuts. It has made us the most uncompetitive nation for business in the whole world, if you need to do research and development. The tax act said, after... I think it was last year when it started... you cannot deduct research and development expenditures. You [00:04:00] have to capitalize them, and you can either amortize them over 5 years or 15 years, depending on the rules.

So, suddenly, all of these investments that new businesses, startups, need to make, especially in the technology arena- we happen to be a technology economy, plain and simple- you can't research, you can't spend money on research and development and get a tax benefit for it. As a matter of fact, if you're using your earnings from your business and reinvesting all of them into research and development, you have to pay taxes on those before you invest in them. So, it takes away money for you to invest in your business.

It's ridiculous! Everyone knows that, and they all expected it when they passed it. I remember reading interviews from people in 2017 and 2018 from people in Congress, saying, 'This will never last. It doesn't kick in until 2023. So, by then we'll have fixed it.'

Congress, you don't fix much, ever. So anyways, this new bill, if they pass it in its current form, allows businesses to start deducting research and development expense again, and currently, just like with [00:05:00] bonus depreciation, they're making it retroactive to January 1st, 2023- again, as the bill's currently written. This will be huge for our economy.

Kevin Schneider: Yeah, the child tax credit. Here's another good thing. And what we typically see in these bills, kind of like what Mike just laid out in the Tax Cuts Job Act, you got a lot of tax benefit, but the IRS is just going to come back and say, 'Okay, we can't give everyone tax breaks. We still need to operate a military. We still need to have some sort of revenue stream.

So, it's always this balancing act of tax breaks, but we're going to cut back.' --And they did cut back the R&D, which, man! That hurt! But here in this bill- I don't see any downsides, and I haven't read it all the way through since it's so new- but another big one that's going to affect everybody is they're actually going to index for inflation, the Child Tax Credit.

As you know, the Child Tax Credit is a $2,000 credit per child, if you're under a certain income limit. Now, what they're going to do is index that to inflation. So, it doesn't give us a number in this current draft form, but it could be $2,500 [00:06:00] or $3,000. I don't know what it is, but they're going to give more benefit for that, and they're going to also adjust how much can be refundable. More of that credit is going to be refundable. So, if you do have, in a situation where you're not paying tax, or you have zero tax liability, it could increase your refund.

The government could be paying you, tipping you. So, a tremendous time to tax plan. And this is just one thing that you can look at because we saw this across the board, across a lot of clients last year where they're high income earners- they're making $500,000-$600,000- and those people in those tax brackets are getting phased out of Child Tax Credits.

They're getting phased out of college credits for their children. They're getting phased out of a lot of credits- R&D or EV credits, Teslas, and all that- they're getting phased out of that because of their high income. If you can drop their income under the thresholds for the cap of these credits, now, you can start opening the door to even more tax opportunity with these Child Tax Credits, and things like that.

So, it's not always [00:07:00] just savings on your taxable income. You're also opening the door to tax credits that taxpayers are sometimes phased out of.

Mike Pine: Yeah, there is one negative- one revenue controller.

So, Congress- originally, the committee, Senate committee and house committee that got together jointly and released this bill- they said, 'It's not going to cost us any net money.' -- The way they're doing that is they are ending, if it happens- it says, as I think, and the bill, as it's written- as of January 30th, 2024, the IRS will not accept any more ERTC claims. That being said, the Employee Retention Tax Credit was created to get us through COVID shutdowns.

That was a while ago, over three years ago, and I still think it was a good credit, it was right, but it is getting so abused. So many people that didn't need it, that didn't keep people employees, or they didn't need the help of the government to keep their people employed, they're all getting this credit, and a lot of them, I think the government's going to [00:08:00] come find the people who really shouldn't have got it

The big problem is you have all these less than honest tax credit sellers out there- salesman calling everyone saying, 'I can guarantee you, we'll get you $50,000 back from the government. We're only going to charge you 20% of that, so send us $10,000- we'll get that for you. And in so many cases, the businesses that got taken by these salespeople, they didn't deserve the credit and they took it anyways, and they don't know any better. They were relying on a so-called tax person who, hopefully, some of those will go to jail, so there's a lot of abuse here.

I happen to be completely okay with them getting rid of the ability to file for new credits. Now, if you really needed it to get through COVID, you've gotten it by now. If you didn't really need to get it through COVID, there's no reason for you to keep being able to apply for this credit.

So, that's the one you could say negative, but it makes sense. And if by doing that, it actually pays for these good tax bills that will spur the economy, let's do it! Please Congress, do something that makes sense this year, please!

Kevin Schneider: And think about [00:09:00] taking away the ERC credit is going to affect a lot less taxpayers than the child tax credit- that's going to hit almost our whole population, on top of the bonus depreciation is going to hit every company. Not every company got to take ERC. You may not even have employees- you may have contractors, which on top, by the way, this bill is going to increase the threshold that you have to report contractor payments.

Right now it's $600. If you pay anybody outside your organization- outside of an employee- over $600, and they're not a C Corp or S Corp, or a corporation of some sort, you have to issue them a 1099, which is an administrative burden. They're going to raise that to $1,000, and then, even adjust that for inflation.

Mike Pine: Oh, thank gosh.

Kevin Schneider: So, you're not going to have these $600 thresholds that have been in for... how long have they been in, Mike?

Mike Pine: Ever since I've been a CPA in 2000. So 24 years, it hasn't been indexed for inflation.

Kevin Schneider: No. So, they're raising that at least to $1,000. Now, you're still going to hit that cap pretty quick. If you just have a plumber come through, or a painter, you're going to hit the $1,000 pretty quick, but it's better than [00:10:00] $600, and they're going to still adjust it. So, they're recognizing some of these items that have not been adjusted in our current economy, and for once, they really are, it looks like- if this bill can get passed- actually doing some benefit to the economy.

Mike Pine: I hate to be Debbie Downer here, Kevin, but this bill makes too much good common sense! All of it makes sense.

That's why I predict, unfortunately- because I have lost faith in our political institutions doing what's right- I doubt it's going to pass, but Lord willing, I hope it does because our country needs it. Let's talk about all these predictions we're hearing and all the financial news that's coming over the globe- Recession! Recession! But hey, don't worry! You listen to our administration. We're not in a recession, and inflation is completely taken care of now. We're not in inflationary period. Things are good!'

Yeah, they realize that that's not working, and that's where there was just a big campaign shakeup. So, that being said, I think America has had a much softer landing than most of the world from the last three years [00:11:00] of financial craziness, but it's going to be a rough year.

You've got still inflation all over the world. You've got a lot of developed nations and recession. China is hurting hard. I just read this thing a couple of days ago about how China's trying to prop up their stock market because it's in free fall right now, and I don't blame them. People are selling the Chinese stock and trying to get out of there.

So, what they're doing there- this thing they're going to try to do- is have $300 billion of all their companies that are Chinese companies that have made money in the US, made money in South America and Europe, that is keeping the money in those countries to reinvest in growing those operations- they're going to make those companies buy the general stock market index funds to prop up by $300 billion. That's false prop up. That's communism for you. It doesn't work very well.

We'll see how well this works, but that being said, this is going to be a painful year for a lot of people. I hate that. What are some things that our viewers, our listeners Kevin, you and I, where's some things we should be doing to prepare [00:12:00] for this year, and not just survive 2024, but thrive in 2024?

Kevin Schneider: First, what I always like to do is- the new year always sparks change. When you have January 1st rolls around, you got resolutions. People are more open to change in January than I think any other time of the year. So, what that could look like is just taking inventory of what worked the prior year.

What did you do personally, either budget wise, tax planning wise, financially- the planning, investing side? What did you do that did not work? What did you do that did work? Take some time, sit down, inventory your scenario. From a tax side, look at your return. Meet with your CPA for a little bit and go, 'Hey, what did I do that went well?

What can I do to change and be better?' --And that could be just on the accounting side, being more organized on the accounting side. Maybe I need a bookkeeper this year because I can't make management decisions off my Excel spreadsheet as a business owner. [00:13:00] Maybe I need to actually put some effort into it myself.

Or eat some cost of my business so that I can have some actual data to run on, and also give to my CPA and get let my CPA help me make tax planning decisions of true financial data, and not shoeboxes of receipts and Excel spreadsheets. So, what have you been doing and what can you change? That's always where I would want to start always every time.

And just because you have to know what to change, you have to know what the problem is before you can solve for it. So, if you don't know even where to start- on the budgeting side, I'm kind of mixed feelings on Dave Ramsey. He got me through my twenties though. It's very blanket advice to cover a populace. He's got this baby step plan, seven or eight steps that everyone should take.

Well, I don't really fall under the theology that everyone's financial advice has fallen to seven equal buckets, equally, all of us. Everyone has different situations. [00:14:00] Everyone has different things going on, income levels, things like this.

So, if you just don't know where to start though, just Google 'Dave Ramsey, baby steps' on the budgeting side. It's going to get you some good, solid foundations of budgeting, planning, saving, because I used to, back in my twenties, just live on the edge of a needle financially. Paycheck to paycheck as a professional, as a CPA too.

Now, I was living above my means. That was my issue. I was wanting the nice car right out of college, and I had student loan debt, and I was just like, 'Hey, I'm making more money than I've ever made before.' --And it would come in and go out, come in and go out, and I was like, 'Where's my money going?' --I had no clue.

So, believe it or not, it takes time even for trained CPAs. But it was one of those breaking points where I got tired of living on the edge of that needle where I could fall off at any moment, and so, financial security was a big thing for me. And actually, what spurred that on was also giving, too.

I was very tight-fisted with my [00:15:00] money because I was on that edge so often. I could not help anybody. I could not help anybody who needed any sort of resource from me because I needed it for myself, because I was such a poor planner. And so, it was a heart-issue too, of me, that I needed to let go of and be more diligent in my own personal finances.

So, not only to help me and myself at the time I was single, but to help others, and so, that was a huge turning point for me. Huge!

Mike Pine: Yeah, I'm a big Dave Ramsey fan, and I probably spent most of my years in college, and first few years in my profession, listening to his show almost every day. And like you say, some of the steps, everyone needs to apply. Like- we should all, especially in a slowing economy or a potential recession, global recession, we should have our emergency funds set.

I learned that from Dave Ramsey. You should plan out your budget. No, if I lose my job, or in our [00:16:00] case, if we aren't able to make payroll and therefore we're not paying ourselves first, how long can I live and survive with my current spending?

And we started off with three months like Dave Ramsey taught us, and then, I felt a lot better once we got it to six months, and now, I'm a firm believer, and I feel I sleep so much better at night if I know I have, at least, a year of resources to live off of if we don't get paid another penny. I believe in those. The only place I differ with Dave is in debt, on some occasions.

I think he's probably more right than wrong- definitely more right than wrong, but there is good debt, and especially back when we had the 2%, 3% interest rates, you could leverage that to make money, as long as you knew you could pay that debt in the downtimes, and it wasn't going to cause you to start living off a credit card.

Other than that, man, he's right, and I think that's what we all should do. But I would go back more to basics. My advice would be, and I think I said this last year, and probably during the coronavirus issue or [00:17:00] shutdowns, you can choose to see this current place we're in, in this world, in your world as an opportunity time or as a scary time, or both. You can see the glasses being half-full or glasses half-empty. Anytime we've had horrible global recessions, those who survived it and thrived through it came out so much stronger in the back end.

Recessions have an ability to, kind of, separate the wheat from the chaff. We're seeing that in real estate syndications- there were too many syndicators, new syndicators coming up over the last decade. Well, a lot of 'em are sucking wind now. The ones who make it through, they're going to be the big syndicators 10 years from now. I see these changing times as an opportunity. I don't know that I always capitalize on those opportunities, but I'm trying to get better at saying, 'Okay, what's worst case scenario? How can we thrive in that? What's best case scenario? How can we thrive in that?'

And having your plan A's and [00:18:00] plan B's, and having checkpoints where you look at three months from now, the end of Q3 or Q1- what were my predictions and what was my plan for each of those potential predictions? Where are we at now? What's going to change and how do I need to shift my plan? So, be dynamic too, but the glass is half-full guys. There's so much opportunity in the world economy, but especially in the American economy.

Kevin Schneider: It's one of the best places to do business, and I'm a firm believer- the whole world's currency is judged against the US dollar. There's something to that. There's so much business to be had here. It just takes effort. It takes a little bit of luck, too, but it takes networking. It takes hustle. It takes ideas. It takes sacrifice. And blessings. Yeah, it takes a lot.

Now, I'm not a believer in just the bootstrap, white knuckle, 'I'm going to make this thing work.' I mean, there's got to be wisdom in there. You got to have the connections in some areas. You've got to [00:19:00] fail to succeed too, but there's so much upside in this country, and even in the state we're in- we're in Texas- there's so much upside in Texas with just the way the tax law is written, and it's just a great place to do business. That's why there's so many people coming here. More companies are moving here.

So, the opportunities are there, and sometimes, this new year- we just need to take a step back and evaluate. What can I do to accelerate my 2024? And the government, for once, might actually come behind and put some fuel in your tank with this bill, if it goes through. So, let's utilize it. Let's be proactive. Let's get some tax planning done so you're not phased out of these potential credits that are coming through, and we can utilize in these uptimes, 100% Bonus Depreciation. What if you don't know what that means? --'I don't know what bonus is...'

Reach out to a CPA because it is a big deal. 100% Bonus Depreciation is a huge deal in the tax way, in the tax realm. That is how the wealthy pay little to zero tax is they're constantly buying [00:20:00] assets. Now, an asset is something that's going to provide value in the future, but that asset's able to reduce your taxes at the same time.

Mike Pine: More importantly than the wealthy not having to pay so much tax, because the tax law is directing the wealthy and the business owners to invest in their business- it grows the economy. A growing economy provides jobs, a growing economy provides opportunity, a growing economy provides stability and national security.

And yes, it's nice if you don't have to pay taxes because you're helping to grow the economy, but that's what we're all here for. Our society in the United States, we have a compact together. We work hard. We should. And we should work towards the same goals, and when you're successful, that should help improve the success of everyone else in the country.

Tax law can be used as a kind of nudger to get the people who are running the economy, or working in the economy and generating the economy, to do the right things to help the [00:21:00] economy. And it does... at least this tax bill would. Lord willing, it'll pass.

Yeah, and I think my biggest complaint... I'm okay, I'm with you. I'm in the same boat you are- the ERC is fine... my biggest complaint is they're doing this in January. already had tax returns prepared, and they're going to change tax law retroactively before the filing season's here. It's late January- it's going to be early February. We have pending tax law that's going to affect tax returns, we're ready to file today. Now, I'm not into the politics, but could they not have done this in November so that we can actually know what we're doing in January? They just handcuff us professionals, in a way.

How do you think the people at the IRS feel? They're supposed to start accepting tax returns on January 29th, and all of a sudden there's going to be a retroactive tax law change that might come out on the 29th! It's annoying, but I will point out- there were at least three other bills in Congress that I've read, that would have accomplished most of this [00:22:00] including the bonus depreciation, that could not get anywhere.

It's just our Congress and our entire political system is locked. It's not working. I don't know why. It seems like it's gotten a lot worse since the shutdowns too, and it's just so polarized. It's stupid for it to be polarized. We have Democrats here, Republicans here, and me the Libertarian here, but we can all get along and we recognize that 80% or 90% of the stuff we believe, we all agree on, it's just the other 10% or 20% we don't, and unfortunately, the way our media works, the way our politics work right now, everyone wants to focus on the differences.

Kevin Schneider: That 10% feels like 90%. That 10% difference feels like 90% because it's going to be hot button issues like abortion. That's always- people plant their flag on that, and it's a big topic, but I'm hopeful that both Democrats and Republicans, no matter what side of the fence you're on, we're here for this country. We're neighbors with one another, and it does [00:23:00] not do us any good to be against each other. Now, that's been the biggest issue, and the media does not help in that way.

Mike Pine: I think Thomas Jefferson and John Adams- there's just a perfect example of what we're talking about here. They were the closest to friends until John Adams became president. I mean, they were best friends.

And then, once John Adams became president, there was that 10%, 20% that Thomas Jefferson and Adams disagreed with, and they focused on that so much, they ended up hating each other. Jefferson ran against Adams and they hated each other, but thankfully, 40 years down the road... maybe... I don't know if it was that long, but almost at the twilight of their years, they came back together and focused on what they shared in common, and man, they are the forefathers, our founding fathers- two of the most important ones.

And they even show that we're going to have this polarization, but I guarantee you, if you could talk to them now, 'Hey, what was a more fulfilling and more important part of your life? The last decade that [00:24:00] you and Tom were, or John and Tom were actually close friends, or the 10, 20 years that you were diabolically opposed to each other on a few issues?'

There's no doubt what they would say, and our country was better for it when they were getting along, and I wish our people could do that too.

Kevin Schneider: It's more entertainment, it seems. It is very entertaining when you throw Trump on a stage, and he's doing, mocking, and using names and stuff, and yeah, that's what people want, and so that's what he gives them. He hams it up a little...

Mike Pine: I don't even think it's what we want, but the media knows that it will sell ads. So, they don't focus on things we get along together and have kumbaya moments. They look for the craziness, and man, it got Donald Trump elected. So now, there's a lot of politicians out there saying, 'Hey, this is how you get elected. Let's just divide everyone.'

Our country needs to have a revival of union and love and shared purpose and vision.

Kevin Schneider: Yeah. Mike, going back to, COVID, John Krasinski, who plays Jim on The Office- he picked up on that, where news is always negative and it's always [00:25:00] playing on us.

So, he made a YouTube show. I think it started on YouTube. It was just called Some Good News. So, if you go to YouTube and you type in some good news, it's going to have John Krasinski, and all he does is good news reports.

He has some cool guests on there. It's super positive, but it started all in COVID, because everything was so negative, our country needed some uplifting.

So, I love to see that, but it goes to show that you can see how the media really does push things, and how we can combat it. You can combat it with positivity. If you're not getting along with a friend or a family member over politics, think about long term. More than likely, that other person's not going to change their opinion.

You're just going to go red in the face and you're going to ruin a relationship. Just humbly, just submit and be like, 'I don't see your point, but I love you, and let's just have some turkey because I'm not talking about this anymore.'

So, however you want to handle that... that's how I take the approach. I do have friends who are on both sides, and it is [00:26:00] what it is. They're just going to believe what they believe, and that's okay, and it's good to have those opposing opinions just like in a business. Mike, you and I are so different, but it's because you and I are so different that we're able to succeed and we're able to see things in different ways.

Kevin Schneider: You view a situation way different than me. And that's why Democrats are good for Republicans and vice versa. We need each other, and that was the purpose of having these parties is having different viewpoints, who all have a voice, and that we can come together and make one really nice economy, one really nice country.

I'm way glass half full right now, but that's what I want to see, and that's why it's very frustrating, and I stay out of politics.

Mike Pine: Yeah. And we have gone on a very nice and altruistic tangent and we should probably get back to tax, but I agree. We thought, and our founding fathers believed, that a two-party system would be good, and that's why- because if you guys can work together to bridge your differences, you are going to be better.

But after Washington- George [00:27:00] Washington, our first president, after his second term, when he wrote his farewell address, he flat out saw the problem that this partisanship polarity was going to cause, and you should read his farewell address, and if we could just get back to that, he saw the warning signs and he was experiencing them, but all it takes is a change of heart.

Our country could get back... actually it could become the best it's ever been in a second if all of us would just change our hearts to speak, think, act out of love instead of fear or territorialness.

Kevin Schneider: What a fun episode! I had fun chatting with you, Mike, and taking a big step back of everything and just seeing how the sauce is made, so to speak. Taking a look at politics is necessary in our field because as you can see with this tax law change, politics is driving this, economics is driving this.

So, there is good purpose to just looking at these kinds of situations, but fingers crossed, I'm with you, man. Let's hope this bill goes through. It will make our job a lot more fun for the [00:28:00] next two years. We can really spur this economy. We can really do some good. So, if anyone's listening out there, and any of these topics we covered in this bill don't make sense, reach out to us, please.

We'll love to explain it to you. We would love to see how you can take advantage of these tax law changes that are for your benefit. So, don't be idle on it.

What steps can you take?


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